Kai and her husband invited all of us to have a great lunch by West Lake, Hangzhou...
We dined in a glass house on the lake with an amazing view...

After the lunch, we walked alone the lake and enjoyed the view and subshine...
we definately took lots of photos as well...
below photo with pink start is a gorup pic with Kai Kai's new car...
The weather was great, sunny day with gentle breeze....

I hv tons of fantasy imaginations about Leifeng Pagoda since I was child
(maybe coz by too much ancient story reading)
so I required my friend that they must tour me to Leifeng Pagoda
which was built in 975A.D. but collapsed in 1924.
As you can see in the pic, the Leifeng Pagoda nowadays is extremely modern.
It has outdoor elevator and glass lift......
so you can see the view from the top without climbing hundreds of stairs…

Besides, I found that Chinese really like to throw coins or even paper money into every where
since they believe if they can throw the money to more difficult places and they can get better lucks :)

Next station is Temple of Soul's Retreat, I really really like this place...
even there's super crowded but I can still feel the peacful spirit....
(btw, Rita joined us to the Temple of Soul's Retreat and we two travelled directly to Shanghai after this...)

After stayed in Shanghai for couple hours, had lunch with Rita and Iris,
Visited Rita's place...I took the night flight back to HCMC....
It was 2AM when I hit a shower and wondering how can I wake up in 7AM for working @.@
exhausted of whole body but particular fresh on mental side...

1. my first time to see the real RED Cherry just like the one in cartoon
the season of this kinda cherry is so short...only 1 week....

2. Red envelope for Kai Kai's wedding, I was also represent Chialing for sending the red envelope coz she's can't make it for attending the wedding..

3. the River near Jia Jia's apartment, Hangzhou is a beautiful and clean city...

4. my favorite food of Hangzhou- Sweet Lotus Root which is a must-try in Hangzhou....

5. 新鮮馬蹄

6. Hangzhou city


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    The Best is Yet to Come

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