其實我一開始注意到Adele小姐,不是因為她的音樂,而是剛好聽到她的名字(跟Grey's Anatomy裡面外科主任的老婆一樣),因為這個名字很少聽到,所以才特別注意:P
Adele (全名Adele Adkins) 形容自己的音樂風格是"heartbroken soul",真是在適合也不過了…她被喻為是Next Amy Winehouse,但是1988年出生的她,雖然看起來不會像Amy阿姨一樣常常脫序演出,不過,她的聲音的確是超齡、像個超級菸酒過度、歷經滄桑的少女般~但是Adele可是著名英國表演學校 Brit School (btw, Kate Nash也是這所學校畢業) 的校友哩…無論如何,就是個很令人感動的聲音啦…
這首歌 ”chasing pavements” 是紀念19歲推出的專輯,裡面的歌都是寫給Adele的EX,首首扣人心弦呀….另外,她也是從MySpace開始聚集粉絲滴,進而被唱片公司簽約發片(所以想紅的音樂人,申請個MySpace的Blog吧!) 這首歌的MV(請按連結),劇情是以兩個角度敘述一場車禍,一對戀人不幸喪生於人行道上,在鏡頭轉以俯視角度之時,他們彷彿又活了過來,在人行道上倒述從兩人追求、交往、背叛、原諒的種種點滴…很喜歡…..另外,我還想要推薦Adele的另一首歌”Best for Last',是比較藍調的fu~
Adele - Chasing Pavements Lyrics
I've made up my mind, don't need to think it over; If I'm wrong I am right, don't need to look no further; This ain't lust, I know this is loveBut if I tell the world, I'll never say enough; 'Cause it was not said to you; And that's exactly what I need to do if I'd end up with you
Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements; Even if it leads nowhere?; Or would it be a waste even if I knew my place; Should I leave it there?; Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements; Even if it leads nowhere?
I build myself up and fly around in circles; Wait then as my heart drops and my back begins to tingle
Finally could this be it?
Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements; Even if it leads nowhere?; Or would it be a waste even If I knew my place; Should I leave it there?; Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements; Even if it leads nowhere?
Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements; Even if it leads nowhere?; Or would it be a waste even If I knew my place; Should I leave it there?; Should I give up or should I just keep on chasing pavements; Should I just keep on chasing pavements?
Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements; Even if it leads nowhere?; Or would it be a waste even If I knew my place; Should I leave it there; Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements; Even if it leads nowhere?