It’s so amazing. I just happened to find out that we are using the same cell phone different color! Super BFF haha!
Best Friend Forever, Grace Lin, she is my super BFF since I was a smarty-pants teenager...
I dropped by her coffee shop to visit her in the late midnight...she looks so tired but fabulous. We’ve been long time to meet each other about 2 or 3 years already but we still can talk a lot just like we used to: P There is lots of differences on her from before. She gets thinner than my impression and I found there is something special in her eyes…I see the strong willpower in her eyes and the passion for her coffee shop.
We chatted a lot…there were lots of things happened during these 2 days…it was a pity that I was not there to support her and just stand by her… she is a tough girl and a resolute women… just make my heart bleeds for her…anyway…I truly wish everything of my super BFF will be better and better. Love yo, my super BFF!she is the right one who wears elegant black suit.