
Dears...happy new year!!!
have no idea how to share my long vacations:P
me will try to update some pics and write a little bit...
the whole vacation was started on 13th of Dec...
tow of the days we went to Tampa and eat twice in a buffet@@
21th of Dec: fly to NJ and stay there for 2 nights
22th of Dec: shopping in Wodberry outlet
23th of Dec: packed and left for NYC
24th of Dec: Mu's Xmas Eve drinking party (lots of people at the party were fucking drunk:P)
27th of Dec: traveled to Boston
29th of Dec: packed again...took the china town bus back to NYC and took path to NJ
30th of Dec: before back to Orlando...shopped in Century 21 and bought some gifts!
arrive MCO around like 10:30PM...and a car and drive back to Gainesville...that was like 1AM@@
unpacked and chatted a little was 3AM or 4AM...
31th of Dec: get up hell early...around directly to Windmedow #30...
12:00AM- its the time to departure for Atlanta...I gotta drive whole the way
5PM- arrived Atlanta and had dinner in "Mick's" and then count down at the underground square...
1AM back to the Holiday Inn...
01st of Jan: visited Coca Cola @ Atlanta
Korean dinner
02ed of Jan: the weather sucks...dicided to back home earlier...went to ZOO @ Atlanta but didnt enter in...
arrive Gainesville around 6PM...
and the rest of days..I was busy for something else but I dont even remember what the hell r them@@
hit the Magic Kingdom and MGM again on 6th thru 8th of Jan...

anyway...that was an wonderful vacation..glad to meet some friends on the way and it was also a pity that I didnt meet all of u guys this time:(
so I guess probably will meet u guys next time in somewhere else!

    創作者 vvlu886 的頭像

    The Best is Yet to Come

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