
there will be a special event at tomorrow night..
Museum Night N8...
which is kinda gnarly...more than 42 museums in A'dam will open from 7AM to 2AM..
and most of them will organize special events within the museum...
I've got the ticket today! and so excited to join that!
gonna share the experiences later!

ps. I read something interesting on WEEKLY (an english newspaper in A'dam) today...
its an column to indroduce the clubs in A'dam...the feature of this week is "silent disco"
which is a club everyone with the headphone and listen to their own music@@
so weird but so popular in A'dam!

I'd better to adjust my time to catch up the dutch time....still got the jet lag>but i guess when i live within the dutch time then its time for me to leave for US again..
and I need to adjust the jet lag again....what the.........
now, I usually hit my bed around 4AM and get up around 1PM the next day...
then try to do somethin' and work out a little bit...
working on the mastershit and review/preview the dutch class....
or go to the central or go whereever....
and 10PM is my chill out night snack time....
goes day by day...finally it's gonna finsih then..yeah!!!!

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    The Best is Yet to Come

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