just saw Mr. Hawaii's photo album...and saw the pic of the CANDY WALK...
thats was a nice time....just like candy...sweet and colorful!
I was lucky to join CANDY WALK at that time...
since I planned to study in I gotta quit then...
thats a pity....I was thing what will it like if I continue stay in CANDY WALK?!
am I so old that start to recall the old memories:P
there is no CHANDY WALK anymore......Mr. Hawaii is a DJ perhaps he wont organize a bend in the future...
I have know any firnds who play in a bend here...only know another guy from LA plays turntable also...
wana go to a real concert before I leave.....alright..I will put this in my agenda..haha
the link above is the photo album of Candy Walk....I was so nervous for the first performance....
all of our songs r easy sofe punk and all created by Mr. Hawaii....
easy but fill with youth blood!
thank u ,CANDY WALK!
- Oct 31 Mon 2005 03:56
punk YOUTH....